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About : The A&J Petersburg Agency has provided Insurance and Real Estate services to the Decorah area since 1932. Our team of Insurance and Real Estate professionals looks forward to assisting you.
Description : Celebrating over 80 years in this community, the A&J Petersburg Agency has a great deal of history in Decorah and Northeast Iowa. .

Phone: 563-382-4231
Fax: 563-382-2512
Distance: 0.7 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • OPEN HOUSE - Thursday, July 16th from 4-6 PM at 1001 Ridge Rd., Decorah, IA (Hosted by Deanna Stevenson)
  • Meet Londa Grinna, realtor at the A & J Petersburg Agency.
  • If your central air conditioning hasn't been cooling properly, here are some things to consider.
Benefits Inc

806 Commerce Drive #2, Decorah, IA 52101
Distance: 0.7 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • Do you need health insurance for January 1st? Schedule your appointment before December 15th to have your coverage start January 1st. Call today to make your appointment with Nikki! 563-382-9611.
  • The Obama Administration announced that the Small Business Health Options Program, known as the SHOP exchange, will not offer online enrollment until November 2014, a one-year delay from a launch that was initially planned for this past October.
  • Its not too late to get your individual health insurance for 2015! Call our office at 563-382-9611 and make an appointment with Brian Huinker or Richelle Halverson! Are you an employer with a group health plan? We have OPTIONS for your company!! Call today for more information!.
Paul Hudson
State Farm

712 E Broadway Street, Decorah, IA 52101-1732
Phone: 563-382-4512
Fax: 563-382-9640
Distance: 0.2 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • My agency team and I went for breakfast this morning. As we sat there and ate and talked about things in our lives, the bill came and the waitress automatically assumed it went to me. Of course, it did, and I was happy to buy as a gesture of gratitude.
  • Ho! Ho! Ho! Have you been naughty or nice?! We hope we are on the "nice" list! The agency team wishes all of you a Merry Christmas!.
  • Im hearing people say they wish it would just snow out there. Im not sure about that. The toll last winter took on us was hard. What do you think - mild and rainy or cold and snowy?!.
NRI Insurance Services
About : Decorah Insurance | NRI Insurance Services is a full service insurance agency servicing Decorah and surrounding communities.
Description : We offer Auto, Home, Business, Health, and Life Insurance. Independent insurance agent offer coverage from numerous leading insurance companies such as AAA Travelers West Bend Progressive Foremost.

801Commerce Dr Ste 3, Decorah, IA 52101
Distance: 0.7 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • Decorah Insurance | NRI Insurance Services loves Iowa educators! If youre an Iowa teacher, administrator or staff member at an Iowa school, theres a great chance we can save you money on your home and auto insurance.
Howard County Mutual

Hwy 9 East Cresco, Cresco, IA 52136
Distance: 19.2 Miles

Paul Hudson
State Farm

712 E Broadway St Ste A, Decorah, IA 52101-1915
Phone: 563-382-4512
Fax: 563-382-9640
Distance: 0.2 Miles

V & V Insurance Agency

218 E Water Street, Decorah, IA 52101
Distance: 0.3 Miles

Don Dietzenbach
State Farm

309 2nd Ave SW, Cresco, IA 52136-1843
Phone: 563-547-2720
Fax: 563-547-2990
Distance: 17.7 Miles

BW Insurance Agency, Inc

120 West Water St, Decorah, IA 52101
Distance: 0.4 Miles

Tom Rouse
State Farm
About : Our mission is to share knowledge, provide services, and give our customers the opportunity to minimize their risks, along with helping them to visualize and plan for their future dreams.

717 Kelly Mall # A, Charles City, IA 50616-2225
Phone: 641-228-1537
Fax: 641-228-1568
Distance: 47.9 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • Congratulations on a great season Comet Volleyball! You have made Charles City proud!.
  • Hey everyone! Did you see us in the "Family Owned Business" special supplement to the Charles City Press last week? Check it out to learn more about our office!.
  • Happy Earth Day everyone! Its the little things that we can do that make a big difference! What are you doing to help our beautiul Mother Earth?.
Bushman Insurance & Real Estate

801 Commerce Drive Ste 3, Decorah, IA 52101
Distance: 0.7 Miles


Phone: 641-228-4543
Fax: 641-228-2477
Distance: 48.0 Miles

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